Posted by: A neighbor | January 19, 2010

Crafting with throw-aways

via Great Green Goods – Shopping the Eco-friendly Way! – Shopping Blog – All made from recycled materials » Blog Archive » Crafting with Recycled Materials.

Ah, nothing says green crafting like using your trash as craft materials.  Yep, that’s recycling at its basic form: re-use!

Read this article (linked above) from Great Green Goods.  Then do yourself a favor and go join your local library and request the books if they’re not on the shelves already.  Most of the time, your library will get the books via interlibrary loan.  Make friends with the librarian and I bet he or she will share your desire for these books; and they’ll be helpful for other patrons as well!

That’s one less book you have to shelve, dust, pack (if you move a lot, like I tend to), and generally keep up with.  That’s also a cost savings for not buying (and shipping, or gas for picking it up at a bookstore PLUS gas and shipping they spent getting the book there to begin with), AND it’s a resource savings for you and everyone else who can use the book from your library.  Sucks a little for the authors, but as eco-friendly types, I bet they’ll understand!

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